
I created this blog to record my progress through Sian Martin's Distant Stitch Diploma course. As she is in the UK and I am in Australia this seems to be a great way for her to watch my progress, and ultimately I hope be a complete record of the whole journey. Any useful/helpful/supportive/even positive comments you would like to leave would be very welcome; comments of the other sort will be accepted.

Friday, September 29, 2006

more words

Today I have started work on my spider diagram, although I am not sure exactly what information I should put in it. For example is it general things, under 'Texture Study' a list of things such as rough, smooth, bumpy etc, or should it include how I propose to reproduce those textures. No, be more positive woman, I think it is probably all right and possibly even acceptable. I shall email it to Sian for her feedback.

I have also thought of a few new words to add to yesterday's list:
golden section

I have no doubt that there will be others as time goes on.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

research study theme

seed pods

I have decided to use Seed Pods as the theme for my research study.

Seed pods have long fascinated me – the sheer variety of shapes, scale, mass and colour is infinite but each has the same purpose: propagation of the species. And to put the icing on the cake, they are all quite beautifully and perfectly designed.

I have developed a strong interest in making three dimensional embroideries and vessels. The two interests seem to intersect and match perfectly, like peaches and cream.

One of my other passions is colour, and with seed pods I have the best of both worlds. On the one hand there is a wide range of hues represented in seed pods; on the other is the discipline of discerning and reproducing the infinite variations within say, brown or grey.

I believe that an up-close-and-personal study of various seed pods will enable me to produce a body of work ranging from wearable art to wall hangings and vessels in both large and small scale.

words associated with seed pods

small, large, tiny smooth,
rough, hard, soft, bumpy, heavy, light, symmetry
falling, flying, attaching, burrowing, adhering
shiny, matt, dark, light
round, cylindrical, pointed, flat, long, conical, ovoid
brown, grey, green, red, purple, black, yellow
trees, shrubs, garden flowers, bush/woodland flowers, grasses, vines
fruits, vegetables, eggs
cold, freezing, hot, fire
protection, propagation, reproduction
nurture, nourish, new life, death

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

In the beginning ...

.... there was darkness.

At least that is how I feel right now. I am sure that with Sian's guidance and input from other students and stitchers this situation will change. It is quite daunting to take on a task like this from a distance of 12 000 kms, although the internet makes if relatively easy. Imagine trying to do it without the help of a computer. Doesn't really bear thinking about.

I have read half of the first module book, and so I am beginning to get an idea of what is required and that it is indeed a serious undertaking, in terms of time and of effort. Out will come the sketching gear, watercolours, acrylics, pencils, crayons, etc etc that have been languishing somewhat over the past year or so. Into the house will come sketchbooks, largeish sheets of paper and strange and wonderful objects not to mention a certain amount of hair tearing and anguish. Doesn't it sound like a heap of fun? I can't wait to get started.